reflecting on time away and my (gradual) comeback

Welcome to the Perfect Manifesto Sunday Reflections.

This post is inspired by the week note format that many professionals use to reflect on their working week, except in these reflections I’ll be sharing various observations from all parts of my life, covering a range of topics, in short snippets that don’t quite justify fitting a full post.

Return and thank you

I start this weeks reflections acknowledging this is the first time I’m back to writing in a reasonable state of health since my retina detachment surgery.

As my recovery continues to go well that I can face writing behind a desk again I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for the support and kind words I’ve received while I’ve been away generated by my last post “What would you do if you couldn’t blog anymore?”

I will be looking to catch up up on responding to comments received and checking out the latest from my fellow bloggers over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you!

Being still

I think one of the things that I wasn’t looking forward to wasn’t the surgery, it was the recovery after.

Once the anaesthetic would wear of I knew I would begin to feel the pain of the procedure, and that was bad enough, but having to do much of nothing made it worse.

Yes, sitting still was essential to the recovery process, but I take great pride in being busy and doing something, whether it’s in my day job, at the gym, writing my blog or putting myself fully into my family and household commitments.

One of the flaws I found with self-improvement is the growing self-awareness how fleeting life is, and the answer many find is to keep the feeling going that there doing something productive and of meaning.

So in times where you need it’s hard.

I’ve had to keep reminding myself no matter how frustrated I get, I need to be patient and recognise I can’t do think if I want a smooth recovery to my health.

Yes, it’s been a struggle, and as I gradually ease myself into normality, I think about all the things I’ve not done, and what momentum has been lost, but with it began to realise the value it’s had for me to step back.

I’d never realised how burnt out I was until I’d allowed myself to be bored, and that’s when something magic happened.

Creative ideas began to overfill my mind.

I began planning in my head new ambitions around what I wanted to achieve.

And I felt a renewed purpose around the direction my life was taking.

It was good to sit still for once.

Now it’s time to execute.

Thank you for reading

Wishing you the best in your success

James @Perfect Manifesto

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One thought on “Sunday Reflections #6

  1. James, I’m just like you and I hate sitting still. If I do, my mind starts racing with everything I could be doing. You’re right about feeling much better after completing a day full of tasks. I always feel more accomplished when I’ve had a productive day, instead of doing nothing. However, I understand that when it comes to recovery after surgery, it’s best to follow the doctor’s advice.”


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