Sunday Reflections #8

Sunday Reflections is a week note series where I share observations and learnings from all parts of my life in short snippet format. This weeks reflections discusses my experiences of being "consciously skilled" in my job and downsides that come with it and the epiphany I experienced which made me realise more still can be done, and assertiveness, the difference between pushover/easy going, and the time to stand up.

Make Amazing Hobbies Great Again!

In this post I'm asking to MAHGA! That's Make Amazing Hobbies Great Again, because it feels like everything is driven to turn everything we do into a business. Here I share my experiences of past dreams and the personal satisfaction got from hobbies that you don't want to turn yours into another job!

Sunday Reflections #7

Sunday Reflections is a week note series where I share observations and learnings from all parts of my life in short snippet format. This weeks reflections discusses the first step to recovering from surgery, being a square peg in a round hole and a shameless self-promotion of an old post.

The First Step

In this post I reflect on taking the first step, and after taking an absence due to recovering from surgery, how this advice is helping me return back to blogging.

Sunday Reflections #6

Sunday Reflections is a week note series where I share observations and learnings from all parts of my life in short snippet format. This weeks reflections discusses my gradually recovery for surgery, expressing gratitude to my supporters, and what I've learnt from being still and doing nothing.

“What would you do if you couldn’t blog anymore?”

In this post I reflect on a recent impact on my health, that is impacting my ability to do what I love, and how gratitude is getting me through it.

Sunday Reflections #5

Sunday Reflections is a week note series where I share observations and learnings from all parts of my life in short snippet format. This weeks reflections discusses my overthinking brain, and I share another reason why I don't rate setting short term challenges.

How to Stop Being a Burden to Others

In a world telling you to keep thinking and dreaming big, aiming to be self-sufficient, and not a burden to others is a worthy goal to aim towards. In this post we look at how not to be a burden to others.

Sunday Reflections #4

Sunday Reflections is a week note series where I share observations and learnings from all parts of my life in short snippet format. This weeks reflections discusses living who to expectations of who we used to be, and a reminder to execute in our actions how we want to be remembered.

What is Your Blogs Mission?

10 years ago I started my blog Perfect Manifesto. In this post I reflect on the early days of promoting my blog, making those first community connections, trying to find a sense of purpose (or mission) to your writing, and trying to keep up with blogging alongside the demands of your real life.

Sunday Reflections #3

Sunday Reflections is a week note series where I share observations and learnings from all parts of my life in short snippet format. This weeks reflections discusses making new years resolutions, the types there are, and what I would focus on to achieve them.

What’s With All the Short-Term Challenges?

Although not unique to January, the new year does inspire an influx of challenges designed to push you to your limits over a short period of time. Whether it's 30 press-ups in 30 day, not touching the booze for a month or WordPress's very own Bloganuary going all in with a high amount of effort on a daily basis is a recipe for injury and/or burnout. There is another way, which this post explains...