If you worked in a job with an overly demanding colleague, would you drop everything your currently working on to meet their requests?


Then why do we act like this when it comes to our smartphones?

I’ve been looking around at recent stats, and although I’ve found varying accounts, it seems like the average person is spending at least 3 hours a day on their phone!

Every time the phone pings to let us know you have a new message, notification of a like or a “BREAKING NEWS” update we never actually asked for but can’t work out how to switch off, we can’t help dropping everything we’re doing to have a look.

These distractions are cutting into our productivity and killing our ability to socialise – how many times have you been out with friends and find you get to a point in the conversation when most/all the group have turned to their phones?

It’s time we started thinking smarter:

Action One: Usage time

Allocate your smartphone usage into set time when you have browsing time, rather than continued, constant passive usage throughout the day.

This turns your usage of your phone into something like any other task where you dedicate a time in your day to do this.  You’ll notice the benefit as it stops you being on alert for the electronic validation machine.

Action Two: Social time

When you are out in the real world living your life, don’t respond to any messages you receive on demand.

This is a good habit to get into because no one (unless it is an emergency), should be expecting someone to respond to messages instantly.

Enjoy your social life and then respond when you are alone – this will stop you being rude ignoring the person who wants to spend time with you at the expense of someone who doesn’t.

Even better is not to get too into an instant message back and forth – turn it into an action (I’ll meet you/call you), this is a much easier communication approach than jabbing away with thumbs and fingers at a screen for hours.

Action Three: Relationship time

Recognise family time, recognise time with your other half – don’t become the couple where you’re both sat at opposite ends of the couch flicking through your own respective tiny screens.

Put the phone away in a room where it is not easily accessible, such as a drawer.

Now look at your kids, then your partner and interact.

Action Four: Sleep time

Phone use affects your sleep.

This is because of the ‘bluelight’ in your phone, this messes with the retinas and makes your brain think it’s day light.  The simple solution is to switch your phone off at night to allow you to sleep.

Often when I suggest this to people they say

“But wait, I need my phone as an alarm so I know when to get up!”

May I suggest you try one of these?

Image from Pixabay

This modern piece of technology is called an alarm clock – not only does it help you tell the time, but you can also set it to make a loud noise so you know when to get up.

Best of all it’s not dependent on your smartphone…

Think smarter…

The time in your life is precious and limited, it’s easy to waste more time than you realise being on your smartphone.

Follow these tips to be more effective with your time management, and if you have any other ideas on smarter smartphone usage, please drop me a comment below.

<<Next post: How social media made us hate office jobs>>

Thanks for reading, wishing you the best in your success.

James @Perfect Manifesto.


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9 thoughts on “Campaign for Using Smartphones Smarter…

  1. You’ve listed some great tips here, James.

    I turn my iPhone off at 6 pm every evening, to stop it disturbing my evening (and night). I can’t tell you how much I’m glad I do this, because it allows me to spend time with my partner and watch TV or movies in full without being disturbed. I really do think it’s part of a healthy relationship.
    And before the days of lockdown, we asked anybody joining us for dinner, to not bring phones to the table. Likewise, in a restaurant, turn them off and put them away until after the meal has finished.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Hugh. In my opinion there is nothing worse for a relationship than both off playing separately on phones. Although TV had its critics it is still more effective as an activity family can do together.

      Back in pre-lockdown days I remember observing couples/families on phones and thought what is the point of going out!

      Thanks very much for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I’ve seen all occupants at tables in restaurants all looking down at the screen of their phones while waiting for meals and eating, James. Hardly a word was spoken between them. It’s a sad sight.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your tips are spot on. It is crazy how we respond to our phones, more like a child than a gadget. With me, I turn off notifications so I attend to these things at a time of my own choosing. It seems to change things positively.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a really good idea, I know of people who uninstall apps over weekends which seems a waste of time when you can do that!
      I’ve found switch off notifications useful for turning off the news notifications which my phone seems to think I want!

      Thanks for your comment.


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