It’s Not Me – It’s You

Be sceptical how much blame you take when in a toxic relationship. It might be a case that it isn't you - it's them! In this post I explore attributes of people pleasers always willing to accept they are at fault, and challenge you to think about what are the facts, and what are just feelings...

Take the real world offline challenge!

Take the real world offline challenge! This has been a good week! I've been off work and utilised my free time spending it with my family. My intention was to spend a bit more on writing, but that didn't work out as I felt more driven to spend time offline, focus on my family and … Continue reading Take the real world offline challenge!

The expectant father

The expectant father This week my wife gave birth to my second daughter. As an expectant father, it's scary seeing the mother of your child in pain, as unless you happen to be a qualified midwife you can't do much to help your wife/loved one/unfortunate one night stand reach the end goal of giving birth … Continue reading The expectant father

Gents, let’s talk about being a father to a young girl…

Gents, let’s talk about being a father to a young girl... On the lead up to the birth of my daughter, I was  asked: “You’re having a daughter?  Are you disappointed?” It was strange some assumed because of her gender this would impact how much I loved my yet to be born child. Perhaps it … Continue reading Gents, let’s talk about being a father to a young girl…

How I make the most of time

It was a regular Wednesday morning - where I always get the train to work.  The only difference was that my alarm did not go off. With 20 minutes to get ready it was a difficult task to get the train - usually it takes me at least 20 minutes alone to get ready! Almost … Continue reading How I make the most of time

6 Ways To Be Social

I am not a social butterfly. But I have noticed when people are better at being social at gatherings than others.  These are people I usually prefer to talk to. Be interesting If all you have to talk about is your work, a relationship or your dog then it will soon get boring.  The best … Continue reading 6 Ways To Be Social

Love, sex and apps…

I stopped watching the Apprentice years ago because it was the same repetitive format. But I read a piece on one of the finalists business ideas and I couldn't help resist giving my opinion when it was revealed that finalist Vana Koutsomitis is a dating app called 'PlayDate'. Although the decision was most likely made months … Continue reading Love, sex and apps…

When you least expect it

When I was younger and I had insecurities and self-doubt about meeting someone, my mum would always say "You only find love when you stop looking for it" Despite my young naive age - I thought that was bullshit.  To find someone required some effort. As I spent time growing up and I experience rejection and … Continue reading When you least expect it

System: The Power of Three

I have had a bit of a hiatus from posting recently. Since starting the blog I have been well disciplined to ensure that there has been new content every week (or more) because when I started I knew that I did not want to be one of the those blogs that post inconsistently and started … Continue reading System: The Power of Three

Make time for your loved ones

So much to do in a day, yet so little time to work on my goals. If I have been out with Vicky, talked to my mum, gone walking with my dad or helped out my brother, I can forgive myself for shirking on my goals. "Always make time for your loved ones.  They are your … Continue reading Make time for your loved ones

3 great self-improvement websites

If you are like me and enjoy a lazy Sunday going on the Internet, but like to spend your time as productively as possible.  Might I suggest some website for you to visit today and why I think they are great. 1. TED I will get the obvious one out of the way.  I am … Continue reading 3 great self-improvement websites

The parents meet the parents

It has been seven months since I started a relationship. When I started writing the Manifesto of Perfection accepted that I would be spending my life alone.  My previous past experiences had put a distrust in women - so I could never see myself getting into a long term relationship. Then I met Vicky and … Continue reading The parents meet the parents